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Asset Backed Stablecoin
Blockstox will be an asset-backed stable coin, with audited third party verification asset valuation and subsequent equity position by a licensed professional.
Original Issuance Valuation - $1.00 per Coin
New Issuance - $1.00 per Coin
Based on Underlying Asset Equity Growth
Determined by Portfolio Expansion
Valuation & Stabilization
Derived from the aforementioned equity position, the coin valuation is determined, and stabilized by:
Real Estate Appraisal
Balance Sheet
Global Expansion & Market Inclusion
Our mission is to drive value of BlockStox assets under management to $1B, prior to our application for inclusion for listing and trading privileges' within the Coinbase Cryptocurrency Trading Platform.
Simultaneously, by consistently keeping our underlying assets unencumbered by channeling cryptocurrency revenues into paying off any applicable liability, we will be optimally positioned to allow apply for listing and trading privileges with NASDAQ, as the initial public offering (IPO) valuation will be based on:
Strong Balance Sheet
Capitalization & Reserves
Annual Revenues
Assets Under Management
Credit Rating
Corporate Crypto Holdings